Real Estate with Trust and Knowledge

​Prepping Your Home

Make improvements 

Updates can add value to your home without requiring a large renovation bill. Think back to what first attracted you to your home; now determine how best to highlight and improve your home's best features. Consult with your Realtor to see what types of improvements make the most sense. 

Start with the outside 

The outside of your home is where your buyer will get their first impression. Put your best foot forward - make sure your exterior looks its best.
  • An inviting exterior ensures that potential buyers will inspect the interior
  • Keep lawns and gardens well maintained
  • Ensure garage and porch areas are free of clutter
  • Repair loose siding or pavement
  • Replace damaged roof shingles, eaves troughs or cracked windows
  • Wash windows, gutters, mailbox and doors
  • Secure loose shutters or awnings

The inside story 

You can do a lot to improve the inside of your home without spending a great deal of money. Two primary areas to keep in mind are the kitchen and bathroom.
  • Ensure kitchen and bathrooms are sparkling clean
  • Repair dripping facets and shower-heads
  • Steam clean or replace carpets if necessary
  • Thoroughly clean every room in the house, removing all clutter
  • Repaint dingy walls or kitchen cabinets with a neutral colour
  • Replace worn or outdated countertops and cracked light-switch plates
  • Remove any items (like chandeliers) that won't be included in the sale of the home

Clean and clear clutter 

The more effort put into the initial clean up, the easier it'll be to keep your home looking its best for visits from prospective buyers. Rooms that are too cluttered will give the impression that they're much smaller than their true size. Try to create a feeling of spaciousness when conducting your spruce-up. 

Showing checklist

  • As a courtesy to Buyers, leave the house while the Realtor is conducting a showing
  • Keep pets out of the way - preferably out of your house during the showing
  • Ensure that every room is tidy, well aired and adequately lit
  • Don't keep money, jewellery and small valuables in plain sight during a showing
  • Open drapes to maximize natural light
  • Keep stairways and hallways clear
  • Use finishing touches like fresh flowers and candles

Get In Touch

The TK Group

Phone: (778) 979-HOME (4663)

Fax: (604) 608-3888


Office Info

REAL Broker

#500 - 666 Burrard Street   Vancouver,  British Columbia  V6C3P6 

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